What is License?

The License Management page displays the licensing information such as the licensing mechanism, Cloud version, and license status.

On the ZStack Cloud main menu, click the profile icon and choose License Management. Then, the License Management page is displayed.

Figure 1. License Management

Licensing Mechanism

Licensing in ZStack Cloud is supplied in different functionality packages as Base and Plus.
  • Base License
    • Provides the basic and essential features of the Cloud, which can meet the mainstream business requirements.
    • Covered functionalities: Basic, Standard, Enterprise Trial, and Enterprise Prepaid. For more detailed information about these editions, see Edition Comparison.
  • Plus License
    • Provides add-on features or feature enhancements to meet the specific business requirements.
    • Covered functionalities: VMware Management, Enterprise Management, ARM64 Management, Backup Service, Continuous Data Protection (CDP) Service, Migration Service, Cryptography Security Compliance, Baremetal Management, Elastic Baremetal Management, Alibaba Cloud Hybrid Cloud Management, 5x8 (7x24) After-Sales Service, SR-IOV NIC Service, GPU Service, Billing Management, CloudFormation, Auto-Scaling Service, and Smart NIC Service.
    • A Base license is required to install the Plus license.
The licensing mechanism is detailed as follows.
Table 1. Licensing Mechanism
Licensing Mechanism Functionality Covered Description
/ Community
Provides a simple, ease-of-use, and productized private cloud platform with diversified features for community users.
  • Free of use.
  • Number of compute nodes: not limited.
  • Validity: perpetual.
  • Applicable features: part of the Cloud.
  • No after-sales technical support.
  • Not recommended in production environments.
Base License Basic
Provides a lightweight, ease-of-use, and enterprise-level virtualization platform to meet customers' needs for unified management of virtualized resources.
  • Features are available after you purchase the Base license.
  • The number of compute nodes that you can manage is calculated by the number of physical CPUs you purchased.
  • Provides the basic and essential features of the Cloud within the licensed period.
  • Add-on features are not available.
  • Provides official after-sales technical support within the specified period.
  • Applicable to product environments.
Provides a full set of computing, storage, and network virtualization features. This helps to meet the various and flexible business requirements.
  • Features are available after you purchase the Base license.
  • The number of compute nodes that you can manage is calculated by the number of physical CPUs you purchased.
  • Provides a full set of computing virtualization, storage virtualization, and network virtualization features of the Cloud within the licensed period.
  • Allows you to purchase and use add-on features within the licensed period as needed.
  • Provides official after-sales technical support within the specified period.
  • Applicable to product environments.
Enterprise Trial
Provides a full set of computing, storage, and network virtualization features, and enhanced features such as GPU, CloudFormation, and auto-scaling. This helps to meet the various and flexible business requirements.
  • 1-year free trial.
  • Provides one host for free.
  • Provides the basic and essential features of the Cloud within the licensed period.
  • Provides all add-on features within the licensed period.
  • No after-sales technical support.
  • Applicable to test environments.
Enterprise Prepaid
Provides a full set of computing, storage, and network virtualization features, and enhanced features such GPU, CloudFormation, and as auto-scaling. This helps to meet the various and flexible business requirements.
  • Features are available after you purchase the Base license.
  • The number of compute nodes that you can manage is calculated by the number of physical CPUs you purchased.
  • Provides the basic and essential features of the Cloud within the licensed period.
  • Allows you to purchase and use add-on features within the licensed period as needed.
  • Provides official after-sales technical support within the specified period.
  • Applicable to product environments.
Plus License VMware Management
Manages all the features of vCenter and provides an independent CPU license for VMware compute nodes.
  • Features are available after you purchase the Plus license.
  • The Base license is required to install the Plus license.
  • If the independent license is not issued or the licensed quota exceeds, the KVM-licensed CPUs will be used.
  • Provides official after-sales technical support within the specified period.
Enterprise Management

Provides the full functionalities of Enterprise Management, such as project management, organizational structure, users, permissions, and Cloud operations, during the licensed period.

  • Features are available after you purchase the Plus license.
  • The Base license is required to install the Plus license.
  • Provides official after-sales technical support within the specified period.
ARM64 Management
Provides a specified number of ARM hosts within the licensed period, and provides stable support for ARM64 servers.
  • Features are available after you purchase the Plus license.
  • The Base license is required to install the Plus license.
  • Provides official after-sales technical support within the specified period.
Backup Service
Backs up VM data to backup storages online in various scenarios, such as local backup, remote backup, and hybrid cloud backup. This enhances the data reliability.
  • Features are available after you purchase the Plus license.
  • The Base license is required to install the Plus license.
  • Provides official after-sales technical support within the specified period.
Continuous Data Protection (CDP) Service
Provides second-level and fine-grained continuous data protection for VM instances, ensuring that VM instances can quickly recover when a failure occurs.
  • Features are available after you purchase the Plus license.
  • The Base license is required to install the Plus license.
  • Provides official after-sales technical support within the specified period.
Migration Service
Provides V2V migration to migrate VM system and data from other virtual environments to the current Cloud.
  • Features are available after you purchase the Plus license.
  • The Base license is required to install the Plus license.
  • Provides official after-sales technical support within the specified period.
Baremetal Management
Provides a specified number of dedicated physical servers within the licensed period to ensure the high performance and stability of core applications.
  • Features are available after you purchase the Plus license.
  • The Base license is required to install the Plus license.
  • Provides official after-sales technical support within the specified period.
Cryptography Security Compliance
Provides applications with cloud security capabilities based on commercial cryptographies, meeting the requirements of commercial cryptography application security assessments.
  • Features are available after you purchase the Plus license.
  • The Base license is required to install the Plus license.
  • Provides official after-sales technical support within the specified period.
Elastic Baremetal Management
Provides the license for managing specified number of flexible physical servers during the licensed period, improving the ease of use and flexibility in addition to ensuring the high performance and stability of physical servers.
  • Features are available after you purchase the Plus license.
  • The Base license is required to install the Plus license.
  • Provides official after-sales technical support within the specified period.
Alibaba Cloud Hybrid Cloud Management
Provides all features of Alibaba Cloud Hybrid Cloud Management, realizing the interconnection between the control plane and the data plane.
  • Features are available after you purchase the Plus license.
  • The Base license is required to install the Plus license.
  • Provides official after-sales technical support within the specified period.
5x8 (7x24) After-Sales Service
Provides official 5x8 or 7x24 after-sales technical support within the specified period.
  • Features are available after you purchase the Plus license.
  • The Base license is required to install the Plus license.
SR-IOV NIC Service
Allows you to generate VF NICs from physical NICs based on the SR-IOV specification and allocate these VF NICs to VM instances. This provides VM instances strong I/O performance comparable to that of physical NICs.
  • Features are available after you purchase the Plus license.
  • Provided in the Enterprise Base license by default.
  • A Standard Base license is required to install the Plus license.
  • Provides official after-sales technical support within the specified period.
GPU Service Allows you to passthrough a physical GPU (pGPU) to VM instances or divide a pGPU into multiple virtual GPUs (vGPUs) and distribute the vGPUs to VM instances. This empowers VM instances with strong computing capabilities of physical GPUs.
  • Features are available after you purchase the Plus license.
  • Provided in the Enterprise Base license by default.
  • A Standard Base license is required to install the Plus license.
  • Provides official after-sales technical support within the specified period.
Billing Management Provides billing methods like that of the public cloud, uses pricing lists to manage billing of resources of various unit prices, and offer bill services to the admin and tenants based on the pricing lists.
  • Features are available after you purchase the Plus license.
  • Provided in the Enterprise Base license by default.
  • A Standard Base license is required to install the Plus license.
  • Provides official after-sales technical support within the specified period.
CloudFormation Uses stack templates to batch deploy and configure resources and manage the lifecycle of the resources. In addition, offers designers that allow efficient orchestration of cloud resources.
  • Features are available after you purchase the Plus license.
  • Provided in the Enterprise Base license by default.
  • A Standard Base license is required to install the Plus license.
  • Provides official after-sales technical support within the specified period.
Auto-Scaling Service Allows automatic scale-in or scale-out of VM instances based on the load balancing result of application workloads, thereby improving resource utilization, lowering maintenance costs, and securing stable business operations.
  • Features are available after you purchase the Plus license.
  • Provided in the Enterprise Base license by default.
  • A Standard Base license is required to install the Plus license.
  • Provides official after-sales technical support within the specified period.
Smart NIC Service Allows you to use smart NICs to free more computing powers of physical CPUs and improve network performance. In addition, allows you to divide a smart NIC into multiple vDPA NICs and distribute the vDPA NICs to VM instances, thereby empowering the VM instances with high I/O performance like that of smart NICs.
  • Features are available after you purchase the Plus license.
  • Provided in the Enterprise Base license by default.
  • A Standard Base license is required to install the Plus license.
  • Provides official after-sales technical support within the specified period.
  • For more details, contact us by sending emails to sales@zstack.io.
  • To obtain a trial, or to purchase or upgrade your ZStack Cloud license, send your key ID or request key with your requirements to sales@zstack.io. We will contact you as soon as possible.

Licensing Method

ZStack Cloud supports two licensing methods: USB key and request key.
  • Licensing by USB Key
    • You can obtain the authorization by inserting only one USB key into the management node.
    • If you are using a dual-MN environment, insert only one USB key.
    • The Plus licenses authorized by an USB Key cannot be deleted.
  • Licensing by Request Key
    • You can obtain the authorization by uploading the license file to the management node.
    • You can upload both the Base license and Plus license at the same time by using a tar.gz package.
    • If you are using a dual-MN environment, we recommend that you upload the license file on the management node where the virtual IP address is located.

Install a License

The admin can install a license by using an USB key or a request key. These two methods are detailed in the following topics.

Install a License by Using an USB Key

To install a license by using an USB key, follow these steps:
  1. Insert the USB key into the management node.
  2. Refresh the UI.

    On the License Management page, click the refresh button on the left of Upload License.

  3. Then, you can see the whole licensing information.
Figure 1. Licensing Information

  • You can update your license by using the key ID or request ID.
  • The Plus licenses authorized by an USB Key cannot be deleted.
  • If you are using a dual-MN environment, note that:
    • You can obtain the authorization by inserting only one USB key into the management node.
    • If the node with the USB key inserted is faulty, we recommend that you remove the USB key and insert it into another healthy node to ensure the business continuity.


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