Initialization by Wizard

When you login to ZStack Cloud for the first time, enter http://management_node_ip:5000 in the address bar of Chrome 49 or later, enter the default account name admin and the default initial password password, then you are directed to ZStack Cloud wizard to setup an initialization environment.
  • If you stop using the wizard or delete key resources during initial setup, you are not directed to use the wizard again.
  • We recommend that you use the wizard to complete the basic environment configurations of ZStack Cloud.

Create a Zone

A zone is a logical group of resources such as clusters, L2 networks, and primary storages. Zone is the largest resource scope defined in the Cloud.

Figure 1. Create Zone

On the displayed page, set the following parameters:
  • Name: Enter a name for the zone.
  • Description: Optional. Enter a description for the zone.
Click Next to complete the creation of the zone.

Create a Cluster

A cluster is a logical group of hosts (compute nodes).

Figure 1. Create Cluster

On the displayed page, set the following parameters:
  • Name: Enter a name for the cluster.
  • Description: Optional. Enter a description for the cluster.
  • Type: Optional. Select a hypervisor type for the server. Valid values: KVM and XDragon.
  • CPU Architecture: Optional. Set the CPU architecture of the hosts in the cluster. If left blank, when you add the first host to the cluster, the CPU architecture of the hosts that you later add to the cluster must be the same as the architecture of this host. You cannot change the CPU architecture of the cluster any more.
Click Next to complete the creation of the cluster.

Add a Host

A host provides compute, network, and storage resources for VM instances.

Figure 1. Add Host

On the displayed page, set the following parameters:
  • Name: Enter a name for the host.
  • Description: Optional. Enter a description for the host.
  • Type: Select a hypervisor type for the server. Valid values: KVM and XDragon.
  • Host IP: Enter an IP address for the host, for example,
    • In the production environment, for stability and security concerns, we recommend that you separate the management network from the public network so that the management nodes and compute nodes reside in independent networks and have independent IP addresses.

      For example, if you use eth0 to connect a management network, ZStack Cloud uses the management network to communicate with compute nodes. If you use eth1 to connect to a public network, you can use the top aggregation switch to interconnect with the Internet.

    • The separation of the management network and public network can maximize system security and ensure sufficient bandwidth for the management network.
  • SSH Port: Enter an SSH port for the host. Default: 22. If you do not specify an SSH port for the host, the system uses port 22 as the SSH port.
  • User Name: Enter a username that has the sudo permission for the host.
    • If you specify a normal user, the user must have the sudo permission.
    • We recommend that you use the adduser command to create a normal user.
      The following script shows how to create a normal user and grant the user the sudo permission.
      #Create a normal user named test
      [root@localhost ~]# adduser test
      #Grant the user the sudo permission
      [root@localhost ~]# echo "test    ALL=(ALL)    NOPASSWD: ALL" >>/etc/sudoers
  • Password: Enter a password for the user. Note the password is case sensitive.
Click Next and ZStack Cloud will call the backend to configure the host.
  • The configuration process may last several minutes.
  • Error messages are prompted if errors occur.

After you complete the wizard, if you want to add more hosts to the same cluster as you set in the wizard, you must configure the same CentOS system, SSH port, username, and password for the hosts.


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